Saturday, February 05, 2011

Candy with effect LAXATIVE

Posted by Dr.KesHi

yesterday i bought a candy with cherry mint taste. i love candy. i love sweet. actually i afraid of getting diabetes because of my habit eating sweet things. so yesterday when i bought that candy. i look at the cover of the candy. wrote it there SUGAR FREE as u can se picture below.
i took it 3 tablets each time i eat it.....until this morning. i brought this candy to class. i gave some to my friends after thay done perform skill about venerological exam in male..he3.. when my turn to do. i forgot many things, so one of my friends help me.. so i give her my candy.. and then she found something wrote on the candy that i miss ti read it.. this what she found..
after she found it, i did think that its doesnt effect on me..but after Jumaat, i got diarrhea.. huh.. kind of disturbing my mind to focus on tutorial.

WK No.23: Laxative
also called as cathatic or purgative.
is a drug used to stimulate or increase the frequency of bowel evacuation, or to encourage the passage of the softer or bulkier stool.
so, laxative is a drug used for constipation patients.
the common laxatives are:
  • stimulants
  • osmotic
  • bulk-forming
  • faecal softeners

actually, laxatives should generally be avoided except where straining will exacerbate a condition or increase the risk of rectal bleeding as in hemorrhoids

p/s: next time when buying some candy look at their cover is there any word of laxative.. ;)
next i'll tell about my last saturday dinner..


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