full wit activity & sleeping...
that wut going on in a week..
juz after last post, i goes to Jatos..
play pool..
wit Joe & Nua..haha..Johorian
now in TWP 08'..5 man can play pool
Me, Amir, Helmi, Nua & Joe..
hope after this we can play as a team in a tournament..
not like b4, juz me enter the tournament...
On tuesday, juz rest..
most of the tyme sleep..
play WoW sometimes..
then on Wednesday..
i go to Bogor..to Taman Safari..
haha..idk wut to say about this...
this when we stop..to make sure the tyre of the other car that Nua drive is ok..
nothing to say..i can juz say that i'm so happy..haha
this is when we OTW back..after had a dinner
then on thursday..juz rest..
out to Bandung..
watch movie..Robinhood..
haha..shopping also...
pic? in cinema can take a pic?
thats all..idk wut to say anymore..
juz i promise b4 this, that in this n3 have a WK..
WK No.19: Heart
this when we stop..to make sure the tyre of the other car that Nua drive is ok..
nothing to say..i can juz say that i'm so happy..haha
this is when we OTW back..after had a dinner
then on thursday..juz rest..
out to Bandung..
watch movie..Robinhood..
haha..shopping also...
pic? in cinema can take a pic?
thats all..idk wut to say anymore..
juz i promise b4 this, that in this n3 have a WK..
WK No.19: Heart
Def: a hollow muscular cone-shaped organ, lying btw lung
Surface of the heart:
1)the anterior surfaces faces anteriorly (for sure la kan..haha)
-consist of mostly R ventricle with some R atrium & L ventricle
2)the left pulmonary surface faces left lung
-broad & convex
-consist of L ventricle & portion of L atrium
3)the right pulmonary surface faces the right lung
-broad & convex
-consist of R atrium
Margin of the Heart
1)right margin
2)left margin
3)inferior margin
4)obtuse margin
Surface of the heart:
1)the anterior surfaces faces anteriorly (for sure la kan..haha)
-consist of mostly R ventricle with some R atrium & L ventricle
2)the left pulmonary surface faces left lung
-broad & convex
-consist of L ventricle & portion of L atrium
3)the right pulmonary surface faces the right lung
-broad & convex
-consist of R atrium
Margin of the Heart
1)right margin
2)left margin
3)inferior margin
4)obtuse margin
*p/s: that all for WK for this n3...so sleepy ryte now..& wanna play WoW..next i'll continue about the heart..;)
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