Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Mentaliti Rakyat Malaysia kini 1

Posted by Dr.KesHi

Aku just nak share tentang bende ini berdasarkan ape yg aku lihat, tengok and rasekn.

Situasi 1: Di lebuhraya yg mempunyai 3 lorong

sekarang ni, aku tgk byk kete yg bwk slow gile, dok kat lorong tgh je.. kadang2 aku tgk lori or bas lalu ikot lorong kiri skali yg x bwk x bpe laju pon dok relaks je potong dorang yg dok lorong tgh..
ok fine, mesti ade yang tnye ape masalahnye?
anda telah menyusahkn pemandu yg bwk laju tp yg x laju sgt.. contoh anda bwk kete dengan kelajuan 80-90km/h dok kt lorong tengah, ade lak kete dr blkg anda yg bwk kete dgn kelajuan 100km/h, dan ade lak beberape kereta dilorong kanan yg membawa kereta 110km/h.. lorong kiri? owh.. kosong je..
Dengan ini, kete diblkg anda terpkse plak slow kn kete disebabkn x leyh potong anda.. anda kene faham dengan kelajuan anda, anda perlu dok lorong mana.. kalau nak bwk slow n steady, lorong terbaik utk anda adalah lorong kiri skali..
ini juga buatkn kereta yang sedang memotong di lorong kanan susah untuk msok ke lorong tgh ketika ade kereta yg lebih laju berade di belakang...

Situasi 2: Di traffic light ketika sesak

lorong utk terus byk kete (panjang), lorong kiri utk belok kiri (boleh jalan kalau xde kenderaan dr arah kanan). APE YG RAKYAT MALAYSIA KINI LAKUKAN? haaa disebabkn utk tros sgt byk kete.. diorang g lorong kiri utk belok kiri, tp x belok pon.. dok nak menyelit tok msok kt lorong tgh kt depan2.. Sedarlah anda bahawa anda telah menyusahkn bukan sorang 2 orang tp ramai org.. ape yg anda susahkn? org yg nak belok kiri dgn mudahnye, tak dpt berbuat demikian tatkala anda dok kt lorong dorang.. anda juga membuatkn lorong utk tros itu bergerak lg perlahan ketika lampu telah pun hijau..

itu je hari nih.. byk lg..

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Revolusi Bola Sepak Malaysia

Posted by Dr.KesHi

Ini adalah dr experience aku,
Di sini aku nak list kan langkah-langkah yang Malaysia boleh buat untuk satu hari nanti boleh masuk World Cup
Maybe dalam mimpi, tp ini lah cara yang sepatutnye~~
bagi aku, bende ni kene rombak dari sekolah hingga liga pro Malaysia kite
  1. untuk sekolah rendah, buat mcm di Jepun, sekarang ni, Malaysia mengamalkn lawan antara sekolah di peringkat zon-zon disebabkn byk sekolah. Ini dah betol, tp, selepas itu, untuk peringkat daerah, mereka akan pilih beberape pemain yang hanye di mate coach tertentu yg mereka hebat. Sebagai revolusinya, bg aku lebih baik sekolah yang menang yang akn mewakili zon untuk peringkat daerah dan seterusnya ke negeri dan negara. ini akan membuat kn pemain2 yg masih kecil ini utk mengamal kn sikap kerjesama antara pasukan n meningkatkn mutu permainan mereka.
  2. di sekolah menengah, same juga seperti disekolah rendah, (tibe2 blur, act byk idea lg) *sigh*. haaa tp ini include sekolah sukan.
  3. selepas sekolah menengah mereka yang hebat2 mostly msok kelab2 or negeri
  4. liga malaysia perlu lah lebih teratur, dengan rehat n kalau boleh jgn tangguh2 match, kene la tgk jadual AFC gak jgn dok melulu wat jadual liga. n plsss jgn la main rasuah2 nih.. tunjuk la semangat kesukanan skit..
  5. liga malaysia lg.. jgn la amik pemain import, kalo pemain import tu same je mcm player malaysia
  6. untuk yang wakil malaysia, pls men 100%.. letak syarat kalo men trok next match dok bench jer.. amik player yg memang tgh perform. jgn amik player semata-semata jasa mereka yang dh lmpau. kalau player mcm ni, yang lepas menang tros dibuai-buai mimpi kemengangan memang men mcm ape jer.. ingt hebat.. tp act permainan makin merudum.. amik la player mane2 yg tgh perform x kire tue or mude
  7. Plz btol kn semule pengurusan bola sepak Malaysia.
Selamanya.. Selamanya.. Selamanya.. Harimau Malaya

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Functions of CONDOM

Posted by Dr.KesHi

suddenly want to write about this thing.
okey...as we all know, condom have many function..in preventing pregnancy (contraceptive), in preventing sexual transmitted infections (STI), semen collection and etc...

actually here i wanna a talk about another function of condom, it is used by students, as a model for training about circumcision. Yesterday we use condom for the circumcision session in our skill lab activity.
WK No.24: Circumcision
Definition: Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis
  • Phymosis: inability to retract the distal foreskin over the glans penis
  • Paraphymosis: the foreskin, once pulled back behind the glans penis, cannot be brought down to its original position
  • history of recurrent Balanoposthitis: inflammation of the foreskin and the surface of the underlying glands penis
  • hypospadia: a congenital abnormality in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis
  • micropenis
  • local infection
  • wound infection
  • bleeding
  • urinary retention
  • necrosis glands

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Candy with effect LAXATIVE

Posted by Dr.KesHi

yesterday i bought a candy with cherry mint taste. i love candy. i love sweet. actually i afraid of getting diabetes because of my habit eating sweet things. so yesterday when i bought that candy. i look at the cover of the candy. wrote it there SUGAR FREE as u can se picture below.
i took it 3 tablets each time i eat it.....until this morning. i brought this candy to class. i gave some to my friends after thay done perform skill about venerological exam in male..he3.. when my turn to do. i forgot many things, so one of my friends help me.. so i give her my candy.. and then she found something wrote on the candy that i miss ti read it.. this what she found..
after she found it, i did think that its doesnt effect on me..but after Jumaat, i got diarrhea.. huh.. kind of disturbing my mind to focus on tutorial.

WK No.23: Laxative
also called as cathatic or purgative.
is a drug used to stimulate or increase the frequency of bowel evacuation, or to encourage the passage of the softer or bulkier stool.
so, laxative is a drug used for constipation patients.
the common laxatives are:
  • stimulants
  • osmotic
  • bulk-forming
  • faecal softeners

actually, laxatives should generally be avoided except where straining will exacerbate a condition or increase the risk of rectal bleeding as in hemorrhoids

p/s: next time when buying some candy look at their cover is there any word of laxative.. ;)
next i'll tell about my last saturday dinner..

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Movies review

Posted by Dr.KesHi

my blog totally has changed....
I juz had mood to change all those things.
now i want to straight to the point coz i have other things to do..

last friday and last night,
i'm watch 2 movies:
Love Story & The Tourist

Love Story
this movie is about love as we can see from the title itself.he3..i know about this movie since last november, when i saw their thriller. i waited this movie, and when last thursday it came out, i'm so excited to go watch it. but i got lot of homework that i have to settle it..so, in friday when i've already free from homework (not totally), i juz go watch it..haha..

Love story can make us felt their sadness and everything. the music also great (coz Melly Goeslow). but i had read some comment from others....they said that this movie boring and so on..but for me.. this is one of the best indonesia movie..the movie that really have to watch
i give LOVE STORY 4.5/5

The Tourist
this movie..hmmm..i think almost 95% like this movie.. but there are still some people said that this movie is juz ordinary movie..but from me..this one is the creative movie.. with Johny Depp, Angelina Jolie.. what u expect from the movie.. i give 5/5 for The Tourist..
really interesting movie.. can be watch with ur love, ur friends and also ur family.. last night i watch with my friends..hehe.. Cami, Faiz, Atrash, Matya, Khalil and Azrol.. fyi, not all of them same batch with me.. like atrash, he actually my senior, and matya khalil azrol is my junior here..
thanx to them coz help me throw out my lazyness..HAHA

that all for this n3..no wk..coz no idea..haha

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Outbreak of Hepatitis A

Posted by Dr.KesHi

CARE with what u eat
CARE where u eat

it is important to care about that.. why? coz few of my friends had been diagnosed suffer from Hepatitis A. its kind of weird coz they got it about the same time, juz a few days difference.. one of them is from my batch, she is my tutorial member also. i'm so worried about her. worried coz she MC for about 2 weeks rite now.. and she told me that the doctor told her that maybe she cant attend the class for about a month. if me..1 month doesnt go to class, my memory would be lost.. and also, in 1 month, many new things that we learn here..

WISH anyone who being sick rite now get healthy SOON...

to my friends, especially in Jatinangor, please do not juz eat..think 1st either the stall clean or not.. either the food might be contaminated or not.. please.. coz.. PREVENTION is better than CURE

WK No.22: Hepatitis A
Definition: is an acute infectious disease of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus
  • ingestion of contaminated food or water
  • direct contact with infectious person
Sign & symptoms: typically appear 2 to 6 weeks
  • fatigue
  • fever
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • loss of appetite
  • Jaundice
  • Vaccination
  • good sanitation & hygiene

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

IBD ...i'm blur dude...

Posted by Dr.KesHi

this morning i seated in the xm room...the paper was about GIS (gastrointestinal system).The question so difficult to answer. its like a xm for the specialist. some question i dont even know about it at all. with my stomach problem. got diarrhea..10 minutes i wasted my time during the xm to throw away my waste production. but.. from the toilet i got inspiration..from my GIS..LoL... but how can i know about the bacteria in that paper.. that bacteria i not learn yet..

at this time, i remember what my mother said b4 "dont look back, just look what in the future". I still got a chance. this is just part1. this Thursday have another part, part2.. i check already what doesnt have in the part 1.. IBD is one of it.. if i'm not mistaken lah.. if it is true, i'm sure there is lot of question about IBD.. at least 5 question

after this xm, i want to start shooting 4 my 1st film...just a short film...hoping the film become things that can make my friends here memorize the time we together in Indonesia. about the film?hmm..still dont have the title and i think its just simple story but to make it is not simple..

if there is TWP08 that read this n3, i wanna wish gud luck 4 next paper.. n read the information below.. maybe can help u..

WK No. 21: Inflammatory Bowel Disease

An immune-mediated chronic intestinal condition

covers a group of disorders in which the intestines become inflamed (red and swollen), probably as a result of an immune reaction of the body against its own intestinal tissue

Major type:

1. Ulcerative colitis

2. Crohn’s disease

Differentiation clinically

Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn’s Disease

Gross blood in stool






Systemic symptoms






Abdominal mass



Significant perineal disease



Small-intestinal obstruction



Colonic obstruction






Response to antibiotic



Recurrence after surgery



Other differentiation

Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn’s Disease

Endoscopic “cobblestone”



Granuloma on biopsy

